Saturday, March 28, 2009

living in gratitude

Everyone is talking about their "gratitude" ....I draw it....2 of my meditational doodles.....(saw somewhere these are being called "Zen Doodles") How appropiate!!! Hope you can find your bliss real soon.....

What Bliss!!!

What a joy to live in grateful bliss! A discussion is on in the vision board class...about remembering to be grateful! I have been living in this state for a few years comes from the knowledge of what is going on in the universe! How wonderful to be seeing all that is happening..and thanks be to God that we were a part of it! It looks like the world is falling apart but we who have been preparing for the "event" are in a state of bliss! We lightworkers have been "in the know" for quite some time now and have been trying to reach the rest of you to be prepared.The economy is not is going through a promised cleansing..."equal distribution of the wealth" if you will....The "bad" seeds are being banished from federal and local government...and replaced by people who are in the know...this is a natural "event" not "catastrophe" It has filled me with wonder how fast people are "catching on"...and seeing what the truth is! I particularly enjoy that we seem to all be coming to a point in time we all agree on..2012... "The Great Event" ..dont want to get into .."told ya so"....but we have been warning everyone!! Now its time to stop all the fretting and find your bliss....we all have such an oppurtunity here to find our true selves again and put this planet back to where it is supposed to be....BLISSFUL! and live a truly blissful life....... We need not worry about what exactly is going to happen in 2012 if you are living your life with blissful purpose..... we will be OK! If you wont do this things will continue to spiral out of control for you and become extremely oppressive. Quite are in control of your stand up and take the reigns!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Meet Sarah

Hi Everyone! Meet Sarah...she is made in the wrapped doll technique taught by Chaska Peacock. She has an antique lace under dress, antique buttons and beautiful fibers.In her hair are handmade beads made of paper by "Beads for Life"a group that sells the handcrafts for women in Uganda to help eradicate hunger. check them out at Happy crafting & Happy Sunday!!

Friday, March 20, 2009


If any of you are in the cholesterol watching category...I have a new and delicious way to eat your daily dose of oatmeal! If you dont HAVE to eat it every day..its even better! For years I searched for a cold cereal recipe I could make in quantity for my day care....I went thru tons of it a week!! Never found anything untill an old Amish cookbook...and it is wonderful!! Thought I would share it with you...can be used as a snack or as a topping for yogurt or ice cream too...... Amish Cereal...5cups QUICK oatmeal....1 cup brown sugar...1/2 to 2/3 cup light corn syrup......1 cup wheat germ.....1 cup raisins or coconut or both or use your imagination.....1/4 teaspoon cinnamon....2 teaspoons vanilla....1/2 teaspoon salt....mix all dry ingrediants together....add corn syrup and vanilla mix well...pour into shallow pans....toast at 200* untill golden brown about 20-30 minutes....serve warm or cold with in tight can use less or more of anything...very forgiving....I use less sweet stuff but then its very crumbly!...and no salt! Try it!!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Bunnies are done

The bunnies are done finally...had some trouble with is missing cause he got antiqued and just looked dirty! The rest got gold swipes instead! They sure were alot of steps to do them....but they started out as old white curtains! Happy Spring!!!

Monday, March 16, 2009


I finally saw robins this week end....FINALLY!!!!! Spring has sprung up here in the frozen cold north!!! I think I heard spring peepers way off in the distance too....... Now Now.....we cant get too doesnt happen that easily:)......but we did get to sit on our new deck finally!!!Some of the herbs are peeking through...parsley, all the mints...and looking like a fine crop of rhubarb.....despite builders appearing from no where and building on top of them a couple months ago!!... it will happen!!!!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Canoe & Kayak Classic banner

Well..finally got the banner done for the race...its to be one of their grand prizes...wasnt hard...just never want to do what Im supposed to do....rather play in paint!!!LOL...... Happy Sunday!!!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Art..conscious or unconscious?

Hi all! Art is my therapy! We have been having a discussion at the Creative Sparks group about art...Does it come from the conscious mind or the unconscious? I believe both! I will get an idea and if I consciously sit down and try to put it never works..but later I just wander into my studio and start "letting go" of all conscious thought and WHAM...there it is in front of me!! I consciously do this..but it is my unconscious that produces the art!! This has taken a lot of training...I have had a lot in esoterica...but the whole act took several years to polish....and the best part of it was ..I didn't even know it was happening! I now am convinced that my art is my spirituality.... there once was an art teacher Robert Henri, who said "If a certain activity, such as painting, becomes the habitual mode of expression, it may follow that taking up the painting materials and beginning work with them will act suggestively and so presently evoke a flight into the higher state." and now many years later...I think he was right!! Happy art all....

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Thought I would post a few more tags....really fun to do!! Almost done with 7 easter bunnies Im putting in the Chamber of Commerce art co-op...and almost done with the banner for the Cameron county Canoe and Kayak race in April...then Im free again to play....... got some new collage goodies!!

Come play with us!!

Hi everybody! Check out Chaskas next class...She is gonna be neat!! Try it !!
HEALING DOLL: Online Class, April 3- April 28$30....You will learn how to do simple beading, and how to impart healing powers to your doll by using intention, herbs, and crystals.To sign up, e-mail

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Hi everyone..Its so nice to wake up and its NOT SNOWING!!!!!! It is only 2* out..but you cant have everything! I have seen my "spring birds" and heard it must be true! If I see those gorgeous white geese today in our travels I will know for a fact that we werent thrown into an ice age again.....(It always helps to be optomistic)LOL...anyway if any of you are suffering from cabin fever you might want to take a peek at Chaskas site..she is our fearless leader that comes up with all the cool projects! Check it out! you wont be sorry!!! Bye for now!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

more playing!

Some experimental collage play....on bookmarkers

Monday, March 2, 2009


2 collages..first I have done....

Ryders pic.

Everyone wants to see a picture of this little boy that captured Steves and my heart! We have him a couple days a week and are lost without him! He brings us such joy! He will be 2 this summer....We started watching him at 7 months...... his Mommy and Daddy are pretty awesome too!

love those fur babies!!

Braveheart Spot Most of you know I have 2 large furry members in my family. These 2 cats are my babies...much to their chagrin! Since we moved here the one stand offish guy..Spot...has become quite attached to me. He is everywhere I am...he sits outside the bathroom waiting for me! The other day he was making rounds with up this and that..and dutifully waited outside our bedroom door while I tried to wake Steve..he is very groggy from all his meds in the morning and sometimes gets a little testy. Well..Spot heard this and promptly marched out to Steves chair looking for his shoes...and promptly hacked up a hairball in it! My gotta love him!!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Valentine amulets.....I made these for a few people for Valentines Day..and am getting questions as to what they really are:) No..they are not voodoo! They are Love amulet dolls! In ancient times people carried good luck figurines or dolls as they hunted or dolls are meant to bring luck love and happiness to their owners! OK...I get bored and come up with weird ideas but I cant take credit for this came from my Quilting arts magazine! Of course I had to do it my way....

Ryders Valentine! He such a sweetie...I love having him!!!

Meet Miss Monique Mainstream....,...

I get to play with dolls!!

I have spent the winter playing with paper arts...I love it! Took a couple net classes here and there and joined the Creative Sparks group led by Chaska Peacock..she comes up with these cool projects every 4 weeks or so and we all learn and play! We did a prosperity doll for Jan. using her wrapped doll technique....this doll is supposed to be all that we want or wish for for this year! We all had our own interpretation of what she should look like! Mine is all about keeping what I have now and wanting more for my family and friends....after I finished her...I tried my own...Monique is more mainstream..but I had fun creating her..its funny how she had such a bad attitude when I started her..and how she mellowed out after finishing her!! What do you think? Have a wonderful fun filled Sunday!! Smile...Alyce

ah.. the best of intentions...

THE GREAT TORSO TAG EXPERIMENT ..... My New Years resolution was to start a blog...something I have wanted to do for a long time is March 1...better get started! When you think about doing something like this all the old insecurities start to blossom again...will anyone read this?...will I look really dumb?...can I stick to it? Well I have decided to confront that old feeling again..and just do it!! If no one reads it. follows it, or comments....well at least I did it! This could be a great form of therapy or a great way to release....but maybe it will bring comments on my art..or better yet..critiques!! When you live in the middle of no where its hard to find anyone to bounce ideas off of...except for my DH... Steve..and Im sure he gets tired of hearing about it all the please take a look and let me know what ya think!! Love , Luck and Lollipops!! Alyce