Saturday, April 24, 2010
Anyone out there yet?
I knew this would happen...get out of the habit of everyday blogging...and never get back there! I have been visiting facebook alot because it tells me what everyone is up to!!!Living on the other side of the state from everyone you know is difficult at times...especially when your kids run into problems and you arent there offering a shoulder...a phonecall just isnt the same!! My kids are all grown up ...but I now know they never grow up entirely when its you they need to talk to! I actually hear my oldest start to whine again when things dont go his way! The younger one is happily married but still does very dumb kid things....but on the other hand I find myself talking (and whining) to my long passed over Mom too..about my kids problems....I guess that is the way it is!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Still here!!
I know I said that before...the wedding is done..and what a wedding it was! The bride all in Beetlejuice red lace..the groom a jaunty pirate with a gun in his waist! The best man (my older son Jeremy) was a pimp ..(he actually threw his jacket open and asked the poor dear minister how many rings he wanted)he then went on to tell him he had watchs, anything he desired! The pimp had Lovely Ms Paris Hilton on his arm.The other groomsman was a horrible looking court jester with a sweet little love child hippie on his arm!!...It was the most fun pretty and unique wedding! Everything went well except for some minor problems like..did anyone bring anything to play the bridal walk CD on? A scramble to find a CD player and we were on our way!There was one major screw up..photographer never showed up!So..everyone was running around taking pictures ..passing cameras around.....In the end I ended up with 100 pics with the help of my friend Sharon and sister Pat! I will post a few tomorrow..just got an emergency call to watch my little guy a few hours early! So..till next time...
Sunday, September 6, 2009
My beautiful Mts!!
Thought Id share some pics of my area...Natl Geographic said we have one of the few areas left in the world that has been untouched by man.. The beauty takes your breath away..There is one park about 45 minutes away that is supposed to be the darkest place in the country.. a haven for astronomy buffs..the stars hit horizon to horizon...and you can almost touch the moon! With all this nature comes the animals...stunning and pesky sometimes... a bear is in our yard every day...and the deer and elk walk down the road in the early morning mist... last night I had the most gorgeous little skunk in the yard..almost all white! The night before our bear was sitting in the driveway eating our garbage and leaning up against our truck... the deer path in the yard leads right to my apple trees....we have flying squirrels and black squirrels too....the grey squirrels are rare here...and at night falling to sleep to the rythyms of the frogs and late summer bugs is the best relaxation. I love nature and I love Northern Pa.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Ashleys doll
Diego quilt
Ryders "Car Pocket"
Ryders new sand box !
Allies graduation!
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